
Overview of FFPopSim

FFPopSim consists of two parts enabling genotype-based or individual-based simulations. The class "haploid_lowd" can be used for simulations of a few sites (up to 20) and models the distribution of the population among all possible genotypes. "haploid_highd" allows to simulate longer genomes by modeling by tracking only the genomes present in the population.

Both classes include a rich variety of utility functions, and can be extended by C++/Python subclassing seamlessly. Documentation and examples of C++ routines, Python scripts, and subclassing are included.

Genotype-based simulations: haploid_lowd

The binary hypercube is used to represent genotypes in "haploid_lowd". Mutation is equivalent to a flow along edges of the cube, recombination takes two genomes (vertices of the cube) and produces new genomes be mixing the parental genomes.

"haploid_lowd" models the whole genotype distribution efficiently, offering the following features:

Individual-based simulations: haploid_highd

Genomes are represented in "haploid_highd" as bitstrings, ensuring an efficient memory usage. Mutation is a bit flip, and recombination creates a new bitstring from two existing ones.

"haploid_highd" is a more traditional, individual-based simulation interface for populations with a larger number of sites. It uses clones instead of individuals to increase efficiency in case of low mutation and recombination rates; it is not, however, restricted to these conditions, and is currently used to simulate the highly variable Human Immunodeficieny Virus (HIV). It offers the following features: