Information for pair0079: Light Response Data Taken at a flux tower at site DE-Hai latitude: 51.08?N longitude: 10.45?E The filtered version of the data is taken from: Moffat A.M. (2012) Assessing competing semi-empirical equations: Light response curve (Chapter 7). In: /A new methodology to interpret high resolution measurements of net carbon fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere/. pp. 68-80. Doctoral thesis, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. - Response of NEP on PPFDdif First column (x): NEP (Net Ecosystem Productivity) - a measure of the carbon flux - calculated by photosynthetic uptake MINUS release by respiration - is known to be driven by PPFDdif and PPFDdir - unit: [?mol/(m?s)] Second column (y): PPFDdif (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density, diffusive) - a measure of light intensity in terms of diffusive photons, that are available for photosynthesis - i.e. the number of diffusive photons falling on a 1 meter square area per second - only the photons with a wavelength of 400-700nm (visible light) are available for photosynthesis - unit [?mol/(m?s)] PPFD(total) = PPFDdif + PPFDdir ground truth y -> x